Monday, February 23, 2009

His Highs, His Lows, His Goodbyes

His Highs, His Lows, His Goodbyes

His Highs,
They were numerous-
Times when he was charismatic and
times when he was humorous.
They, were all beautiful.
In his eyes, every single time,
Everything was her.
The party was always for two,
No more, no less.
A celebration of new friends and new feelings and new futures-
And all highly gratifying for the time being.
But each time esoteric, like this very poem.
|She was his first love|
|She was playful and all too familiar|
|She was experienced & ready to love, while embarking
on the new journey|
|Him and her shared a season of foreverness|
|She sassed her way into his thoughts|
|Coming out of one, she was conveniently looking
for another heart to settle in|
|She had enough soul for the both of them|
|This one, was a beautiful poem definitely worth writing about|
They each took this man to his highest
and remnants still remain with him.
But lo & behold..

His Lows,
They were plenty-
Times when he was unsure and
times when he was empty.
They were all ugly times.
In his eyes, every single time, 
Everything was lost.
The parties never lasted long-
Stuck between more than friends
but less than lovers.
Until the ceremony either ceased 
or just became funerals-
All evoking emotional paralysis for the time being.
But each time esoteric, like this very poem.
|First are always filled with errors and insecurities.
So naturally, he reached a point where he could
no longer work to be happy|
|They were very similar but her playful
nature wanted to play a chase game. Too bad he did 
not understand the rules of it|
|Her experience surpassed him so his willingness to 
love never became and he ventured on his own|
|With her, it was just that! Her forever was only the
length of a season|
|Well, she never quite made it to his heart in that way|
|Heart jumping is never healthy. Eventually, the blood
on the shoes from the previous heart mixes with the new
one and he wanted fairly clean shoes|
|Her soul was deep and strong- deep enough for him to 
love and give her his all but strong enough for him not 
to get inside and take what he wanted-he wanted all of her|
|Simply, she wasn't just his poem. When he met her, she 
gradually came to life and she harbored a lifestyle foreign to his own writing|
Each of them brought this man to his lowest.
But lessons were learned and realized..

From his Goodbyes.

~Brennan Brenoso

"When I write, I take flight; I Feel Free When I'm Me"

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